Legal Notice

Website operator: Elisabeth Herrera Asencio

Legal form: Sole proprietor

Job Title (Austria): Life and Social Counsellor

Purpose of the company: Psychological counselling

Headquarters: Vienna

Geographical business address: Lerchenfelder Gürtel 16/11 (1st floor, elevator), 1070 Vienna

Phone: +43 (0)680 30 97 431


Competent authority for life and social counsellors in Vienna:
The municipal district office (trade authority) responsible for the location

Responsible Chamber for Life and Social Counsellors in Vienna:
Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Specialist Group for Personal Counselling and Personal Care, Professional Group for Life and Social Counsellors (Psychological Counsellors)

Applicable legislation:

Further legal information

Although I always strive to ensure that the information on this website is correct and up-to-date, I ask for your understanding that I cannot guarantee that it is free of errors and completeness.

Any use of the content on this website is subject to the express written consent of the website operator or the respective authors, which must be obtained in advance.

Portrait photos: David Schermann,
Other: H. Schauer

Web Design & Implementation: Stefanie Wagner,

Links: Links from this website to third-party sites are for reference purposes only. The operator of this website does not identify itself with the content of the external pages, nor does it assume responsibility for them.

You have the option of partially or completely preventing the placement of cookies via the settings in your browser. Please note that this may not allow the full functionality of this and other websites to be guaranteed.

Complaints: Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform:

You can direct any complaints to the email address provided above.

Mag. Elisabeth Herrera Asencio
Dipl. Life and Social Counsellor