Intercultural Couples Counselling

We tend to have an overly romantic view of love relationships in general and intercultural couples in particular. THE single perfect model does not exist. There is no couple that always agrees on everything. Tough negotiations are often part of the deal.

Understanding your relationship

Partners who come from different countries, speak different languages and have different cultural backgrounds sometimes face more – and more intense – challenges than other couples and families. They often have different concepts of family, parenting, religion, sex or money.

Do you have a thousand thoughts bouncing through your mind? Do you feel lost? I can offer you support in a free initial meeting!

Special challenges faced by intercultural couples

In one in three couples in Austria, the partners have different cultural backgrounds. Many of these intercultural couples and families face conflicts which are rooted in their different cultures, languages and backgrounds – and these conflicts often seem insurmountable. I offer couples counselling to support you, for example when you have to make decisions, such as:

  • How can we overcome linguistic or bureaucratic barriers?
  • What is important to us? What is our definition of “normal”?
  • How do we want to live? It’s really annoying that everyone else always thinks they know better.
  • Do we want kids? How can they find their own identity?
  • What additional support do we need at home or with friends?

It is important to address such important topics. Sometimes professional support can make all the difference. I offer my intercultural expertise and knowledge as a mother and educator. I hold my sessions in English, German and Spanish.

Finding solutions

I know from experience which everyday challenges you face. Whether you choose individual or couples counselling – I will help you find solutions quickly. For more ease and more joy in life.

Tell me what’s on your mind: Do you feel as though you have to bend over backwards again and again? You want to change something about your relationship but have reached your wits’ end? Together we will try to get to the bottom of things in a relaxed atmosphere. In my couples counselling sessions

  • you can reflect on your differences and define your personal boundaries
  • you can find a way of putting into words what has remained unsaid so far
  • you can overcome challenges and make decisions after having thought everything through

Seven advantages of my couples counselling sessions

  • You will become aware of your own needs.
  • You will identify solutions for your challenges.
  • It is an investment in yourself, as you will learn to see and appreciate your uniqueness and inner beauty.
  • You will better understand yourself and your partner.
  • You will achieve ease of mind and make decisions calmly.
  • You will re-focus and start following a clear path.
  • You will feel empowered, relieved and better able to enjoy life.

Are you longing for less frustration and more joy in your life?

​Together we can work out solutions that suit your specific needs!